Recliner, Cura
final bachelor project

“There’s no age limit when it comes to sitting comfortable. It goes without saying that people who have reached a certain age also like to enjoy this virtue.” The Cura is a new model of relax chair, meant for elderly who prefer to keep living at home, who are residents of a nursing home or sometimes visit a day-and care center.

During the design process the primary items were the visual look and the comfort. This makes sure the chair meets to all the ergonomic requirements while the aesthetic aspect was not lost during this process. In addition, the relax chair has some useful extras, like a detachable cushion for an easy cleaning, a subtle fixation of the head and heels and a waterproof artificial leather as fabric. All these technical advantages make the Cura an ideal relax chair.
Recliner, Cura

Recliner, Cura

recliner, Cura, part of final bachelor project
